The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners was held on June 8 2021 at the Stovall Town
Hall immediately following the Public Zoning Hearing
Mayor Janet C. Parrott present and presiding
Board Members Present: Commissioner Dale Hughes, Commissioner Doug Lunsford Jr., Commissioner Carl Roberts,
Commissioner Ricky Sneed, Commissioner Mike Williford
Clerk Present: Sandra B. Williford
Police Chief Present: Craig Williams
Invocation: Commissioner Sneed began the meeting with an opening prayer
Approval of Zoning Ordinance: Commissioner Dale Hughes made a motion to accept and approve the Stovall Zoning
Ordinance as submitted. Commissioner Williford seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Zoning Fees: After some discussion, Commissioner Williford made a motion to keep zoning permits at $100.00, and to
charge $500.00 for any rezoning that requires a public hearing. Commissioner Hughes seconded the motion. The motion
carried unanimously.
Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Mike Williford made a motion to accept and approve the May minutes as
submitted. Commissioner Doug Lunsford Jr. seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Police Report: Police Chief Craig Williams gave an activity report for the month. Activity was as follows:
ï‚· 313 miles of patrol
ï‚· 4 reports
ï‚· 2 citations
Water Report: Commissioner Lunsford stated that after considering the house fire and a water leak, the amount of
water unaccounted for was 7% for the month.
Yard of the Month: Mayor Parrott stated she had chosen Barbara Strong Watkins at 408 Oak St. to receive the Yard of
the Month. Mr. and Ms. Watkins will receive a $25.00 gift card donated by Commissioner Sneed.
The meeting will be continued on June 14 th when the Public Budget Hearing is held.
Mayor, Janet C. Parrott
Clerk, Sandra B. Williford