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March 2021 Meeting Minutes

The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners was held on March 9, 2021 at 6:00 pm at the Stovall Town Hall

Mayor Janet C. Parrott present and presiding

Board Members Present: Commissioner Dale Hughes, Commissioner Doug Lunsford Jr., Commissioner Carl Roberts, Commissioner Ricky Sneed, Commissioner Mike Williford

Police Chief Present: Craig Williams

Clerk Present: Sandra B. Williford

Audit Report: Dean Overby with W.L. Stark gave a detailed audit report for 2019-2020 by phone. He stated that the audit was unmodified meaning there were no wrong findings. Financial highlights of the audit were as follows:

  • The assets and deferred outflows of resources of the Town of Stovall exceeded its liabilities and deferred inflows of resources at the close of the fiscal year by $4,540,567.

  • The Town’s total net position decreased by $36,611, primarily due to decreases in the business-type activities net position.

  • As of the close of the current fiscal year, the Town’s governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $398,074, an increase of $26,592 in comparison with the prior year. Approximately 29% percent of this total amount, or $116,781, is non spendable or restricted.

  • At the end of the current fiscal year, unassigned fund balance tor the General Fund was $281,293, or 115% percent of total general fund expenditures for the fiscal year.

  • The Town of Stovall’s total debt decreased by $12,000 (3%) during the current fiscal year. The key factor in this decrease was the principal payment.

Commissioner Mike Williford made a motion to accept and approve the audit report as submitted. Commissioner Ricky Sneed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Dale Hughes requested that the February minutes include the fact that Mayor Parrott had consulted with Town Attorney Tom Currin to confirm that commissioners should be paid for meetings missed due to Covid. With that correction being made, Commissioner Mike Williford made a motion to accept and approve the February minutes. Commissioner Carl Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Police Report: Police Chief Craig Williams gave an activity report for the Police Dept. for the month. Activity was as follows:

  • 250 miles of patrol

  • 7 reports

  • 4 citations

  • 1 arrest

Commissioner Lunsford requested that the police officers attempt to slow speeding traffic through Stovall. Chief Williams stated that he had asked Sheriff Deputies and State Troopers for help with slowing down traffic. Commissioner Sneed asked that the officers patrol the park regularly now that the weather is warmer and more people will visit the park.

Water Report: Commissioner Lunsford stated that trying to determine the unaccounted for water for the month was impractical. Oxford read the meter on the 15th of the month, and due to weather, Stovall didn’t read meters until the 23rd.

Roberts St.: Commissioner Hughes stated that he had gone to 526 Roberts St. and dug a small trench that helped redirect some of the rain water flow from going into the resident’s yard. He will also get a professional opinion on possible solutions.

Stovall Clean Up: Commissioner Hughes asked that since the Board was against a Visual Blight Ordinance, that a clean-up day be planned and scheduled for the spring. Volunteers would be needed. Commissioner Lunsford report that renting a dumpster would cost approximately $940. It was decided that the cost of a dumpster would not be beneficial, but Board members had no problem with planning a clean-up day.

Commissioner Sneed requested that Yard of the Month be put in place as of May to encourage residents to beautify their yards. Commissioner Williford offered to donate a $25 gift certificate for the May winner. Commissioners Sneed and Lunsford will donate a gift certificate for winners in the following months through August.

Water Fund Grant: Mayor Parrott informed the Board that the Town was not approved for the Water Fund Grant, and presented a letter from the state stating “potential distressed town”. Mayor Parrott stated that she was disputing several inaccurate points made by the state, and would apply for the grant at a later date.

Commissioner Sneed suggested using a professional grant writer and suggested Sabine Stovall. He will set up a meeting to discuss with her.

Purchase of Cemetery Plot: Mayor Parrott stated that an individual was requesting to purchase a cemetery plot but did not live in Stovall. Commissioner Williford stated that a policy was in place and should be followed. Mayor Parrott will make copies of the current policy to review at the April meeting.

Limbs: After some discussion about limbs downed by the ice storm, it was decided that Dylan would get up limbs on the right of ways and dispose of them at the sewer treatment plant.

Adjournment: There being no further business, Commissioner Hughes made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Sneed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Mayor Janet C. Parrott


Clerk Sandra B. Williford

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