The regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Commissioners took place at the Stovall Town Hall, April 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM.
Mayor Michael S. Williford present and presiding
Commissioners present: Doug Lunsford, Carl T. Roberts, Ricky Sneed, and Jeff Stovall
Administrator Janet Parrott present
Police Chief Williams present
Mayor Williford called the meeting to order and led with the pledge of allegiance.
Commissioner Sneed prayed the invocation.
Mayor’s Updates
Mayor Williford stated that he would be out of town Saturday 15th -24th of April. Mayor Pro tem Roberts will be available if needed.
Mayor Williford stated there will be a budget session meeting on April 27th at 6:00 pm.
Consent Agenda
Police Report
Chief Williams reported last month’s police activity. Commissioner Roberts stated he had been approached by some citizens showing concern over cars parked in front of the Post Office on Sunday mornings. Chief Williams stated that he would talk to the pastor concerning the situation.
Water Report
Commissioner Lunsford reported that Oxford billed for 687,000 gallons and Stovall billed the customers Billed customers for 592,012 gallons of water which would indicate a loss this month at 13%. Mayor Williford stated that it was normal with a water system of this age to experience such loss.
A motion was made by Commissioner Roberts and seconded by Commissioner Sneed to approve the March minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
Old Business
Commissioner Stovall presented the board with 3 prices for the streets needing repair from H. T. Ramsey Construction:
$3,350.00- Puckett Street
$3,680.00-Lewis Street
$3,150.00-Frazier Street
A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Sneed that the repairs be made at the prices quoted. Motion carried unanimously.
Letter to property owners and citizens
Mayor Williford ask Commissioner Lunsford could this matter be bought up at the end of meeting in order to include another item.
New Business
Mayor Williford read the following resolution requesting that a street/alley be closed. It was noted the street/alley had no name but was on the property now owned by Granville County and they had requested it be closed.
G.S. 160A-299
WHEREAS, in 1973 the Estate of Laura Anne Taylor subdivided property pursuant to survey by Harold B. Mullen, RLS dated November 8, 1973, and such plat designated a 25 foot street or alley thereon which area has never been developed into a road; and
WHEREAS, the properties which appear upon said plat and which abut said 25 foot street or alley and need said road for access are now owned entirely by Granville County; and
WHEREAS, the County intends to develop the entire property as one piece and does not need the 25 foot street or alley for access to any of the parcels, and there is no existing public use of the road; and
WHEREAS, no other parcel depends upon said 25 foot street or alley for access; and
WHEREAS, said street or alley appears to have been offered as a public right of way but was never accepted or maintained by the Town of Stovall as a pubic road and it appears to the Board that closing said road would not affect the access to any property and that it should be permanently closed.
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners that the Town intends to close the 25 foot unnamed street or alley identified upon the attached plat of the property of the Estate of Laura Anne Taylor in the Town of Stovall.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board calls for a public hearing on the question for the 13th day of June, 2023 at 6:00 pm at Stovall Town Hall in accordance with NCGS 160A-299.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is instructed to publish this resolution once a week for four successive weeks in the Oxford Ledger prior to said hearing and that the Clerk shall send certified mail notice to all property owners adjoining the road as shown on the county tax records and post the closing and hearing in at least two places upon the road to be closed.
Duly adopted by the Town of Stovall Board of Commissioners at regular meeting, this the day of April, 2023.
Acting Town Clerk
Commissioner Stovall made a motion that the resolution be approved as read. Motion seconded by Commissioner Roberts. Motion carried unanimously.
Water and Wastewater
Commissioner Lunsford reported that the pumps at Stovall-Shaw Schools were not working. He stated that he had contacted Breedlove Electrical concerning the problem. Lunsford also stated that nothing was working at this time at the treatment plant due to mechanical problems. He stated that he had ordered parts as follows and made reported other information:
2 New Hydraulic Sealing Flange Sealing Gaskets @$ 44.00 each-(sewer plant) Mechanical Equipment
Repair of Pump & Motor- $1,200.00- Holland Industrial (sewer plant)
Plan to repair/replace rail in school storage tank (sewer)
Breedlove Electric to work on school sewer problem
ARP Budget Ordinance Amendments
Administrator Parrott reviewed the amended ARP Budget to include classifications of employees. A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Sneed to approve the ARP Budget Ordinance with amendments. Motion carried unanimously.
LGC Letter
Administrator Parrott presented the commissioners a letter to sign responding to the Local Government Commission’s 2021-2022 yearly audit recommendations.
Mayor Williford stated that he had been approached by commissioners, planning board members, and citizens about changes needed pertaining to zoning requirements. Williford recognized Allen Nelson, chairman of the planning board and commended him and the planning committee for their efforts during the last two years bringing the zoning ordinance up to the required General Status requirements. Mayor Williford and Chairman Nelson both agreed that the Board of Commissioners and the Planning Board should meet and discuss some changes in areas such as lot size, setbacks, and numbers of buildings on lots. It was agreed upon that the board attend the next planning board meeting.
Water Grants
Mayor Williford stated the he had received notifications from the state that the Town has been awarded two planning grants in the amount of $400,000 ($200,000 for water, $200,000 for wastewater). He then reported that Stovall had received a letter from the state stating that the Phase II grant for water in the amount of $7,859,240 million dollars had also been approved for Stovall.
Letter to citizens
A motion was made by Commissioner Lunsford to add the grant information to the letter to send to landowners and citizens. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Sneed. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, Commissioner Lunsford made a motion that meeting be adjourned. Seconded by
Commissioner Sneed. Motion carried unanimously.
Michael S. Williford, Mayor ______________________________________________
Janet Parrott, Acting Clerk _______________________________________________