The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners was held on August 8, 2023 at the Stovall Town Hall at 6:00 pm.
Mayor Michael S. Williford present and presiding
Board Members Present:
Commissioner Sneed, Commissioner Stovall, Commissioner Lunsford and Commissioner Roberts
Clerk Present:
Ummala Rowley
Administrator Present:
Janet C. Parrott
Attorney Present:
Lori Dutra
Police Chief Present:
Craig Williams
Mayor Williford called the meeting to order and began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Sneed spoke an opening prayer.
Mayor’s Update:
Mayor Williford stated that he had signed the contract with the county for grant purchasing picnic tables, benches and trash containers.
Police Report:
Chief Williams gave an activity report for the Police Department for the month. Activity was as follows:
• 304 miles of patrol
• 11 citations
• 4 reports
• 0 arrest
Chief Williams stated that there was police chase today earlier in the afternoon in Stovall and two accidents.
Water Report:
Commissioner Doug Lunsford gave the water report and stated that Oxford billed the town for 740,000 gallons and Stovall bill the customers for 485,920 gallons of water. Due to the City of Oxford and Stovall reading meters at separate times, and other factors, loss of water cannot be determined.
Approval Minutes:
A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Lunsford to approve the July 2023 minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
Old Business
Audit-May and Place CPA Firm
Mayor Williford stated that we have approved May and Place performing the Town Audit for year 2022-2023 in the budget retreat and budget hearing including the cost. Board reviewed the actual contract with conditions and letter of acceptance. A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Sneed that the Town contract with May and Place CPA Firm for budget year 2022-2023 and agreeing to the conditions set forth in letter and contract, and giving Mayor Williford authority to sign the letter and contract conditions. Motion carried unanimously.
Senior Center
Mayor Williford stated that the County Manager had contacted him and ask if the town could help financially with the Senior Center. Mayor Williford explained to him that the Town was not in a financial position to render any aid at this time.
Public Hearing on “An amendment to the zoning ordinance to amend Article II Establishment of Districts”
An amendment to the Town of Stovall Zoning Ordinance titled “An Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to Amend Article II Establishment of Districts” which amendment will reduce the minimum residential lot size to 20,000 square feet and setback to 15 feet in all residential districts. The amendment will also adjust setbacks for accessory structures to 6 feet. This amendment has received a favorable recommendation from the Stovall Planning Board.
A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Lunsford that the Public Hearing be opened for public comment.
Mayor Williford called for public comment. There being no comments, Mayor Williford ask for a motion to close public hearing.
Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Commissioner Lunsford and seconded by Commissioner Roberts that the public hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business
Zoning changes
A motion was made by Commissioner Lunsford and seconded by Commissioner Roberts that the zoning changes be approved as listed below: Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Roberts that the zoning changes are inconsistent with the comprehensive plans but, it was in the interest of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Stovall to adopt the amendment and make the same change to the comprehensive plan. Motion carried unanimously.
Police Pay For Fun Day:
Commissioner Sneed stated that he agreed on paying the off duty officers $1,600.00 for Stovall Fun Day on August 26, 2023 from town recreation budget. A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Roberts that the Town approve paying Police Officers for Fun Day out of Recreation budget.
Crime Stoppers Banquet
Mayor Williford stated that the banquet will be held on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. The Town purchase two tables at a cost of $120 each for the banquet.
Public Comment: No Public Comment
There being no further business, meeting was adjourned on a motion by Commissioner Lunsford and seconded by Commissioner Roberts. Motion carried by Commissioner Sneed.
Michael S. Williford, Mayor
Ummala Rowley, Clerk