The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners was held on August 13, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., Town Hall 107 Main Street, Stovall, North Carolina.
Mayor Williford present and presiding.
Board Members Present
Commissioner Cromer, Commissioner Sneed, Commissioner Stovall and Commissioner Lunsford
May & Place, PA Guest/Present
Dale Place
Administrator Present
Janet C. Parrott
Police Chief Present
Craig Williams
Clerk Present
Ummala Rowley
Mayor Williford called the meeting to order and began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Sneed spoke an opening prayer.
Mayor’s Update
Police Report
Chief Williams gave an activity report for the Police Department for the month of July 09, 2024 to August 13, 2024, 2024. Activity was as follow:
• 325 Miles of Patrol
• 4 Reports
• 6 Citations
• 6 Warnings
• 2 Arrest
Water Report
Commissioner Lunsford gave the water report and stated that Oxford billed the town for 834,000 gallons and Stovall billed the customers for 610,706 gallons. The loss of 223,294 gallons comes out to 26 percent loss of water. Some of this was attributed to the usage of the fire hydrant of 10,000 gallons and on Dale Street there is unknown small leaks.
Approval Minutes
A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Cromer to approve the July 09, 2024 meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Audit 22-23
Mayor Williford recognized Dale Place with May & Place, PA. Mr. Place presented and reviewed the 2022-2023 audit with the board and noted that there were not deficiencies found. Board approved audit by general consent.
Old Business
House Numbers in Stovall
Commissioner Lunsford mentioned to the board that there are some houses still have no numbers on them and that she town should send letters out or have Chief Williams to notify the Stovall residents of the house numbers regulations. Commissioner Cromer mentioned that you couldn’t see the numbers on some of the houses and recommended that they use the stick post with house numbers on it. Commissioner Lunsford suggested maybe the town should start fining the home owners with no house numbers. Commissioner Stovall suggested to the board check on whether the letter could state noncompliance could be subject to a fine. Mayor Williford suggested that we shouldn’t send the letter until the board checks the county requirements or the guidelines before sending the letters out. Commissioner Lunsford stated that he would check with the county.
Contract proposal for 23-24 Audit from Dale & Place PA
Board reviewed the 23-24 contract proposal and management letter from Dale & Place. Contract is in the amount of $13,000. A motion was made by Commissioner Lunsford and seconded by Commissioner Stovall that the contract from May and Place in the amount of $13,000 with management letter be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
Bond Requirements LGC
Administrator Parrott talked about the required amounts concerning bonding. She noted that the bond has to be ten percent of the total budget. She stated that the current bond was in the amount of $100,000 therefore sufficient to meet the requirements of the Local Government Commission.
Resolution Establishing Procedure Regarding Construction and Repair Projects Under $30,000
Commissioner Stovall presented the following Resolution for consideration:

A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Cromer to adopt the Resolution as stated and written. Motion carried unanimously.
Appointment of Planning Board Members
Commissioner Stovall mention to the board that he spoke to all of the current Planning Board Members and that all of the members stated they would continue to serve on the board except for one. Commissioner Stovall asked if there were any other suggestions of individuals who would like to serve on the Planning Board, having heard none, Commissioner Stovall stated he believed that the current alternate to the Planning Board, Sabine Stovall, would be a good fit to fill Mr. Wayne Hudson's position. Commissioner Stovall stated the reasons why he believed Sabine Stovall would be a good fit for the Planning Board. Discussion ensued and Commissioner Stovall stated that the proposed list/terms for the Planning Board beginning August 2024 is:
A. Mr. David Rivenbark, 3 year term
B. Mr. Glenn Hughes, Sr., 3 year term
C. Mr. Dan Terry, 3 year term
D. Mr. Allen Nelson, 2 year term
E. Mrs. Sabine Stovall, 2 year term
Motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Sneed to approve the appointment of the Planning Board Members. Motion Carried unanimously.
Public Comment
Mayor Wlliford recognized Mr. Terry Scott. Mr. Scott stated his name and stated he lives at 103 Cedar Lane in Stovall. He talked about the leak is getting worst which it is on the town side and it need to be fix. Mayor Williford recognized David Rivenbark. David Rivenbark mentioned to the board that the roads are poorly patched. Mr. Rivenbark stated he took some pictures and would like to know where it stands. Commissioner Cromer that it was a patch job for the streets and not a repaving. Cromer also stated that the town did not have the funds to repave the streets at this time.
Commissioner Cromer announced her resignation as Commissioner effective on this day as she would be moving out of Town. Board thanked Commissioner Cromer for her services.
There being no further business, meeting was adjourned on a motion by Commissioner Lunsford and second by Commissioner Sneed. Motion carried unanimously.
Michael S. Williford, Mayor Date
Ummala Rowley, Town Clerk Date