The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners was held on February 9, 2021 at the Stovall Town Hall at 6:00 pm
Mayor Parrott present and residing
Board Members Present: Commissioner Dale Hughes, Commissioner Carl Roberts, Commissioner Ricky Sneed, Commissioner Michael Williford
Absent: Commissioner Doug Lunsford Jr.
Clerk Present: Sandra B. Williford
Police Chief Present: Craig Williams
Invocation: Commissioner Ricky Sneed began the meeting with an opening prayer
Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Carl Roberts made a motion to accept and approve the December 2020 and January 2021 minutes. Commissioner Ricky Sneed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Police Report: Police Chief Craig Williams gave a police activity report for the month. Activity was as follows:
250 miles of patrol
5 reports
1 criminal summons
1 citation
Water Report: Mayor Parrott stated that Commissioner Doug Lunsford had reported that the percentage of water unaccounted for in the month of January was 13%.
Budget Review/Amendments: The Board reviewed the General Fund Budget. Commissioner Dale Hughes made a motion to accept and approve the Amended General Fund Budget with a total balance of $288,765.00. Commissioner Carl Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The Board reviewed the Water Fund Budget. Commissioner Carl Roberts made a motion to accept and approve the Amended Water Fund Budget with a total balance of $261,557.00. Commissioner Dale Hughes seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
“Stovall” Video: Commissioner Dale Hughes asked that Mayor Parrott write a letter of appreciation on behalf of the Board to the individuals who assisted in making the video on Stovall.
Community Day: Commissioner Hughes made a motion to amend the budget to include $500.00 for a future Community Day at the Stovall Park. Commissioner Carl Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner’s Pay/Covid: Commissioner Carl Roberts stated that he felt he should be paid for the meeting he missed due to testing positive for Covid. Mayor Parrott stated that she had consulted with Town Attorney Tom Currin, and he confirmed that in following with the Governor’s executive order, Commissioners do qualify to be paid for meetings missed due to Covid. The Board agreed that Commissioner Roberts, Commissioner Lunsford, and Commissioner Hughes should be paid for the missed meetings in following the Governor’s executive order.
Adjournment: There being no further business, Commissioner Ricky Sneed made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Michael Williford seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Janet C. Parrott
Clerk Sandra B. Williford