The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners was held on July 12, 2022 at the Stovall Town Hall at 6:00 pm
Mayor Mike Williford present and presiding
Board Members Present: Commissioner Doug Lunsford, Commissioner Carl Roberts, Commissioner Ricky Sneed
Administrator Present: Janet C. Parrott
Police Chief Present: Craig Williams
Clerk Present: Sandra B. Williford
Mayor Williford called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation: Commissioner Sneed spoke the opening prayer.
Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Roberts made a motion to accept and approve the June 14 and June 23 minutes as submitted. Commissioner Lunsford seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Water Report: Commissioner Lunsford reported a water loss of 12%.
Police Report: Police Chief Craig Williams gave a department activity report for the month. Activity was as follows:
· 230 miles of patrol
· 6 reports
· 1 citation
· 1 criminal summons
Surplus Equipment Sale: Commissioner Lunsford reported that the total sales from the surplus equipment sale was $2,350.
Audit Contract: Administrator Parrott presented the Board with a proposed contract with May & Place, PA. The contract is for one year and is for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022 with a cost of $6,000. Commissioner Lunsford made a motion to accept and approve the one year contract. Commissioner Sneed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The audit report due date is October 31, 2022, as it must be completed within 4 months of the fiscal year ending.
ARP Resolution: Administrator Parrott presented the Board with ARP Resolutions for review. The Board agreed to table this until the August meeting to allow more time for review.
Staining of Equipment at Park: Commissioner Sneed made a motion to hire Matthew’s Painting to stain park equipment at a price of $500.00, and the Town will supply the stain with a cost of approximately $399.00. Commissioner Lunsford seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Vacant Commissioner Seat: Commissioner Sneed made a motion to appoint Jeff Stovall to fill the seat on the Board that was left vacant when Commissioner Mike Williford became Mayor. Commissioner Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Stovall will be sworn in as a Commissioner at the August board meeting.
Painting of Maintenance Building: Commissioner Lunsford made a motion to hire Matthew’s Painting to pressure wash and paint the maintenance building for $350.00. He proposed that the Town furnish the paint at a cost of approximately $268.00. Commissioner Sneed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Sign: Commissioner Lunsford presented the Board with price quotes for a new sign at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. After some discussion, he made a motion to purchase a 3 X 4 pvc sign from Precise Cuts for $480.38. This total cost includes an installation charge of $50.00. Commissioner Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Purchase of Box Blade: Commissioner Lunsford presented the Board with a price quote for a Frontier BB5072 Standard Duty Box Blade and a Medium Duty Rear Blade for use with the tractor. He proposed using the $2,350.00 from the surplus equipment sale to purchase the blades. He made a motion to purchase the blades at a price of $2,450.75. Commissioner Sneed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Streets and Road Pipes: Commissioner Lunsford stated that there are a lot of ditches and road pipes stopped up and not draining properly. He asked that Board member consider possible solutions to be discussed at the August meeting.
Executive Session/Sale of Land: Commissioner Lunsford made a motion to go into executive session to discuss the sale of land. Commissioner Sneed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Lunsford made a motion to exit executive session. Commissioner Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Adjournment: There being no further business, Commissioner Sneed made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Lunsford seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mayor, Michael S. Williford
Clerk, Sandra B. Williford