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July 2024 Minutes

The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners was held on July 09, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., Town Hall 107 Main Street, Stovall, North Carolina.


Mayor Williford present and presiding.


Board Members Present

Commissioner Cromer, Commissioner Sneed, Commissioner Stovall and Commissioner Lunsford



Commissioner Roberts


County Commissioner Guest/Present

Rob Williford


Economic Development Director Guest/Present

Joe Stallings


Administrator Present

Janet C. Parrott


Police Chief Present

Craig Williams


Clerk Present

Ummala Rowley


Mayor Williford called the meeting to order and began with the Pledge of Allegiance.



Commissioner Sneed spoke an opening prayer.


Mayor’s Update

Mayor Williford informed the board that he will not be in town from July 12, 2024 to July 19, 2024 and Mayor Pro tem Stovall will take his place as needed.  Mayor Williford mentioned to the board that he appreciates the board working on the budgets with him and for passing the budget with no tax increase.  Mayor Williford mentioned that we are revenue neutral and believes that the town can pull it off with no tax increase this year. 


Police Report

Chief Williams gave an activity report for the Police Department for the month of June 11, 2024 to July 09, 2024, 2024. Activity was as follow:


• 211 Miles of Patrol      

• 4 Reports

• 4 Citations

• 3 Warnings

• 0 Arrest


Water Report

Commissioner Lunsford gave the water report and stated that Oxford billed the town for 1,204,000 gallons and Stovall billed the customers for 721,460 gallons.  The loss of 482,540 gallons comes out to .094 percent loss of water.  Some of this was attributed to the usage of the fire hydrant of 10,000 gallons and flushing of 256,000 gallons.


Approval Minutes

A motion was made by Commissioner Lunsford and seconded by Commissioner Sneed to approve the June 11, 2024 regular meeting, Special meeting held on June 24, 2024 and the continuation meeting held on June 25, 2024 minutes. Motion carried unanimously.


Rob Williford, County Commissioner

County Commissioner Williford mentioned the board that Stovall did the right thing to hold off for a tax increase this year. County Commissioner Williford stated that the county went 8 years with no tax increase and it will hit in a year for the new revalue tax with an 89 percent increase. Mayor Williford mentioned that he calculated some numbers and most of the citizens in Stovall will get about 25 percent increase just for the county tax and fire tax.  County Commissioner Williford also gave an update on the North Granville Senior Center.



Joe Stallings, Economic Development Direct

Joe Stallings mentioned his past work experience to the board. He stated he was excited about working with and for the entire county. Mr. Stallings offered to help Stovall in any way possible. Mayor Williford stated that he appreciated any assistance for Stovall.


Old Business


County Recreation Grant

 Mayor Williford stated that he had finally signed off on the 23-24 recreation grant.  He also stated that he sent in a letter requesting for the amount of $1,405.00 rewarded to town.  Commissioner Sneed stated that he would like to see more lighting at the park. Mayor Williford stated that the town would need 3 separate quotes for any kind of Recreation Grant Funds.


Water Grant Update

Mayor Williford stated that the water upgrades have begun and the first reimbursement came in for engineering services.


New Business


Planning Board Appointments

Mayor Williford mentioned to the board that he reviewed the Town Of Stovall zoning ordinances.  The zoning ordinance states that the term for Planning Board members is 3 years.  Mayor Williford mentioned that the zoning ordinance was adopted on June 08, 2021 and therefore it is time to reappoint members.  There are 5 members and they must be residents of Stovall.  Mayor Williford stated that the town needs to appoint 5 members with commissioners’ approval.


Pot Holes and Sink Holes

Commissioner Cromer gave the board an update on Keith Pettiford Landscaping & Maintenance that he intended to start and attempt to complete all the potholes within a week.  Commissioner Cromer stated to the board that Rightway Construction Inc. mentioned that the sinkhole on South Railroad Street/Main Street needs to be closed and it is a hazard. The Rightway Construction Inc. gave us a quote the price of $4,500.00 and the town employees gave the price of $450.00.  Commissioner Cromer is concern about the sinkhole and prefers using professionals.  Commissioner Lunsford submitted an estimate from A&J. Commissioner Stovall mentioned that should be done as soon as possible and recommend to use our town employees.  He said it is a good proposal from A&J and agrees for us to use our town employees.  Mayor Williford stated to the board that we are going to use the town employees to work on the sinkhole.  Quotes as listed:


Right Way Construction, Inc.

5610 Pappys Trail

Oxford, NC 27565





Dig down to find out what is causing the sinkhole

Cut Asphalt






Does not include any materials, stone, backfill, rental equipment and asphalt patching.  One day of equipment and labor to find problem.  After the problem is found, he will price the repair.  Everything is billed out per hour with materials labor, equipment and rental cost. 













Town Employee



Cut pavement over washed out hole

Dig out hole with town backhoe dispose of pavement and dirt

Fix problem

Fill hole back with town’s crush/run gravel

Pack gravel and leaves open gravel and repack again later



Spot will be paved later as parts of South Railroad Street project.                                Total




Appointment of Town Commissioner to Civil Affairs Committee

Commissioner Stovall mentioned to the board last month the board adopted the Resolution Establishing Civic Affairs Committee and that it was time to appoint members, at least four at large and one member as a town commissioner.  He said he is willing to volunteer his time and to try to succeed with committee. 


A motion was made by Commissioner Cromer and seconded by Commissioner Sneed to nominate Commissioner Stovall to serve as Town Commissioner on the Civil Affairs Committee. Motion carried unanimously.


Local Government Commission Letter and Contract

Administrator Parrott presented the commissioners with a letter responding to the 23-24 audit review by the Local Government Commissioner due to the audit being late. She stated that the Mayor, Commissioners and Finance Officer would need to sign the letter presented. She stated that due to the audit being late that the town would also have to sign an amended contract with the May and Place. She noted the delay was not the fault of the Town and was so stated in the letter to LGC and documented by May & Place.


Appointment of Officer(s) For Purpose of 2024/2025 Budget

Commissioner Stovall mentioned the Resolution Establishing Budget Officer and Procedures Regarding Preparation and Submission of Budget Message that was passed last month by the Board.  The resolution states that the Budget Officers shall be the town administrator along with a Town Commissioner that is voted on by simple majority of commissioners to serve with the Budget Officer.  The Commissioner that will assist the Budget Officer shall be appointed each year in July.  Commissioner Stovall stated that he would like to recommend that Mayor Williford continue to work with the Budget Officer and he would also be willing to serve as one of the Budget Commissioners along with Commissioner Roberts.      


A motion was made by Commissioner Lunsford and seconded by Commissioner Sneed to approve the Town Administrator as Budget Officer, having Mayor Williford to serve with Budget Officer, and Jeff Stovall and Carl Roberts to serve as the Town Commissioners to assist with the Budget.  Motion carried unanimously.


Purchasing of Police Car

Commissioner Sneed mentioned to the board that we are purchasing a new police car and the cost is $35,422.00.  Mayor Williford mentioned to the board that we can remove the Crown Victoria items in, items on it and advertise it or sale.  The funds will go in the General Fund.


A motion was made by Commissioner Cromer and seconded by Commissioner Sneed to approve the purchasing police car in the amount of $35,442.00.  Motion carried unanimously.


Public Comment

Mayor Williford stated no one had sign up for public comment.


There be no further business, meeting was adjourned on a motion by Commissioner Stovall and second by Commissioner Sneed.  Motion carried unanimously.



                                                                           __________________________________                    ________

                                                                           Michael S. Williford, Mayor                                                   Date



                                                                           __________________________________                    ________

                                                                           Ummala Rowley, Clerk                                                           Date

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