The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners was held on May 19, 2020 at the Stovall Town Hall at 6:00 pm
Mayor Janet C. Parrott present and presiding
Board Members Present: Commissioner Dale Hughes, Commissioner Doug Lunsford Jr., Commissioner Carl Roberts, Commissioner Ricky Sneed, Commissioner Michael Williford
Clerk Present: Sandra B. Williford
Police Chief Present: Craig Williams
Invocation: Commissioner Ricky Sneed began the meeting with an opening prayer
Minutes: Commissioner Carl Roberts made a motion to accept and approve the March 2020 minutes as submitted. Commissioner Ricky Sneed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Police Report: Chief Craig Williams gave an activity report for the month. Activity was as follows:
5 Reports
3 active cases
360 miles of patrol
Water Report: Commissioner Doug Lunsford Jr. reported that the Town suffered a 38 % loss for the month. He stated that a leak on Elm St. and a leak on Railroad St. had been repaired. Commissioner Williford stated he would be flushing for TTHM testing.
Public Comment/Fire Dept. Jason Tingen reported that all hydrants in Town had been tested and 9 are out of service. All hydrants had been painted according to flow rates. He stated the Fire Dept. wanted to build a fire room for the purpose of training for fire fighters in Granville and surrounding counties. He assured the Board that the Fire Dept. had funds for the project. He said the building would be 16 x 40 and would be at least 25 ft. off any property lines. The Board did not have any issues with what they learned from Mr. Tingen.
Sidewalk Money from County: Mayor Parrott reported that she had several conversations with Granville County Mike Felts about the $10,000 that the Town did not use for the CMAQ grant. A discussion was held about holding the funds to help pay for sidewalk construction in front and leading to the proposed North Granville Senior Center to be located at the corner of Main St. and Oxford St. Board members were in agreeance. She will talk with the County Manager again.
2019-2020 Budget Amendments: The Board reviewed the 2019 – 2020 amended budget. Commissioner Dale Hughes made a motion to accept and approve the budget as submitted. Commissioner Carl Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Visual Blight Ordinance: Tabled.
Covid 19 Water Bill Payment Plan: Mayor Parrott presented the Board with a payment plan following Governor Roy Cooper’s Executive Order. The payment plan reads as follows:
Town of Stovall
Governor Cooper’s Executive Order is currently effective until June 1, 2020. Unless the executive order is extended, we will resume our normal disconnection and late fee policies after that date. Please note that the executive order does not eliminate or waive your account balances. You remain legally responsible to pay all amounts due on your account. There will be no late fees for April and May’s utility bill.
Recognizing the financial hardship many of you now face, and in compliance with the Executive Order 124, we are offering a payment plan for charges incurred in April and May. You will have until December 1, 2020 to pay outstanding amounts of April and May. To the extent you are able, we encourage you to continue to pay the full amount owed on your account to avoid accumulating large account balances. If you wish to participate in the payment plan, please return this signed form to The Stovall Town Hall, or mail to Town of Stovall at PO Box 100 Stovall, NC 27582.
Payment Plan
The payment plan divides any unpaid balance for April and May by 6. As of June 1, 2020 the due date will continue to be the 12th of the month. So, your June bill will be due on July 12th and the disconnect date will continue to be the next business day after the 21st. The amount due will be your current monthly bill plus 1/6 of the unpaid balance for April and May.
To participate in the payment plan, the undersigned agrees to pay a minimum of ___________ per month toward your account balance.
Payments may be paid by cash, check, or money order.
The undersigned acknowledges that the payment plan does not extinguish or waive the account balance. The undersigned remains legal responsible to pay the account balance in full. The Town of Stovall will apply late penalties to any new charges not paid on time after June 1, 2020. If you fail to make the minimum payment amounts due under this payment plan and/or if you fail to pay the full amounts owed for services billed after June 1, your services will be disconnected.
I hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms of this payment plan.
____________________________ _______________
Account Holder Signature Date
Commissioner Michael Williford made a motion to approve and accept the payment plan. Commissioner Doug Lunsford Jr. seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Doug Lunsford Jr. asked that the word extinguish be replaced with eliminate.
Maintenance Building Roof Repair: Commissioner Doug Lunsford Jr. asked for suggestions on who to hire to do the construction and shingle repair on the maintenance building. Mark Weary and Mark Hicks were names suggested by the Board.
CCR Report: Mayor Parrott presented the Board with a copy of the yearly CCR report. She stated that the public had been notified that copies are available upon request.
Adjournment: There being no further business, Commissioner Michael Williford made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Carl Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Janet C. Parrott
Clerk Sandra B. Williford