The regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Commissioners took place at the Stovall Town Hall on November 9, 2021 at 6:00 P.M.
Mayor Janet C. Parrott present and presiding
Commissioners present: Dale Hughes, Ricky Sneed, Doug Lunsford, Carl T. Roberts and Michael Williford.
Clerk Sandra Williford absent
Chief Craig Williams present
Mayor Parrott called the meeting to order.
Commissioner Sneed opened with the invocation.
A motion was made by Commissioner Williford and 2nd by Commissioner Sneed that the minutes of the meeting be approved as submitted. Motion Carried unanimously.
Police Report
Chief Williams gave the monthly report on the police department. He stated the department had 346 miles of patrol, four reports and one traffic ticket.
Water System
Commissioner Lunsford that that Oxford had billed 855,000 gallons last month. He stated he would have the full report at the next meeting when Clerk returns.
Old Business
Flow Meter- Commissioner Lunsford stated that he had looked into purchasing a new flow meter and repairing the old one. A new flow meter would cost around $1,400 and to repair the one the town owns
would cost approximately $775.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Hughes and 2nd by Commissioner Roberts to order the internal parts of the flow meter.
Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Board reviewed the agreement between the Town and the Kerr Tar Regional Council of Governments. Agreement states that the COG in consultation with the Town of
Stovall administration proposes to develop a plan to comply with North Carolina General Statute 160D-501 effective July 1, 2022. Cost would not exceed $3,500.00 to develop a comprehensive Plan. A motion was made by Commissioner Williford and 2nd by Commissioner Roberts to approve the agreement with the COG for the amount to not exceed $3,500.00. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Fun Day- Commissioner Hughes stated he was preparing to have a meeting concerning Fun Day with a tentative date of May 14, 2022. Board discussed checking to see if there was any other conflicts for that date. Commissioner Lunsford stated he would check with the Chamber concerning other events.
Tractor- Commissioner Roberts stated that he felt the town needed a tractor and wanted it bought it up again for consideration. He then made a motion that the town purchase the John Deere previously
voted on but failed due to lack of a 2nd and vote. Motion 2nd by Commissioner Sneed. Motion Carried with Dale Hughes and Doug Lunsford opposing.
Commissioner Lunsford then stated that the motion did not state the price and the prices previously submitted were no good after the date of October 12, 2021. A discussion was held and Commissioner Williford stated that if a new higher price came back over three percent then if would be bought back to board for reconsideration. A motion was then made by Commissioner Roberts to amend the last motion to say that a motion was made to purchase the John Deere 4052m if the price do not exceed the original quote at October’s meeting and if it does exceed 3 percent in price then purchasing the tractor would be bought back for further consideration at the next meeting. Motion 2nd by Commissioner Sneed. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Then Commissioner Lunsford stated that the bush hog was not included in the motion. A motion was made by Commissioner Roberts and 2nd by Commissioner Sneed that the town also purchase the John Deere bush hog previously discussed at the October meeting. Motion Carried. Commissioner Lunsford opposed.
Shredder- Commissioner Hughes reported that he had looked at heavy duty shredders and the one he recommended cost $1,400.00 and he would like to make a motion that the town purchase the shredder. Motion 2nd by Commissioner Lunsford. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Heavy trucks on Town Streets- Commissioner Hughes discussed the Oxford ordinance concerning heavy trucks on Town streets, and stated he will research the railroad’s laws. Commissioner Williford stated that the Town could not govern private property owned by the railroad and that the railroad had their own police.
There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. Motion Carried unanimously.
____________________________________________Janet C. Parrott, Mayor
____________________________________________Michael Williford, Mayor Protem