Public Hearing/Zoning
A Public Hearing on text amendments to the Stovall Zoning Ordinance was held on June 8, 2021 at the Stovall Town Hall
at 6:00 pm
Mayor Janet C. Parrott present and presiding
Attorney Present: Lori Dutra
Board Members Present: Commissioner Dale Hughes, Commissioner Doug Lunsford Jr., Commissioner Carl Roberts,
Commissioner Ricky Sneed, Commissioner Mike Williford
Clerk Present: Sandra B. Williford
Police Chief Present: Craig Williams
Purpose of Hearing
Board will consider the following amendment to the Town of Stovall Zoning Ordinance titled “An Amendment to the
Zoning Ordinance to update and conform with Chapter 160D of the North Carolina General Statures” which amendment
will provide for revisions to the text of all articles of the ordinance. This amendment has receive a favorable
recommendation from the Stovall Planning Board.
There being no public comments, Mayor Parrott adjourned the hearing.
Mayor Janet C. Parrott
Clerk, Sandra B. Williford