The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and Board of Commissioners was held on August 10, 2021 at the Stovall Town Hall at 6:00 pm.
Mayor Janet C. Parrott present and presiding
Board Members Present: Commissioner Dale Hughes, Commissioner Doug Lunsford Jr., Commissioner Carl Roberts, Commissioner Ricky Sneed, Commissioner Mike Williford
Clerk Present: Sandra B. Williford
Police Chief: Craig Williams
Invocation: Commissioner Ricky Sneed began the meeting with an opening prayer
Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Mike Williford made a motion to accept and approve the July 2021 minutes as submitted. Commissioner Doug Lunsford Jr. seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Police Report: Police Chief Craig Williams gave an activity report for the month. Police activity was as follows:
344 miles of patrol
6 reports
8 citations
Water Report: Commissioner Lunsford reported that the amount of unaccounted water for the month was 6.25 percent.
Yard of the Month: Mayor Parrott reported that she was awarding Mary Green of Lewis St. with yard of the month.
Pulpuram Corporation/Easement Request: The Pulpuram Corporation asked for an easement to some adjoining land locked property to the treatment plant. The Board had concerns about security at the treatment plant, maintenance to the road, etc. There being no obvious benefit to the Town, Commissioner Williford made a motion to table the subject until more information is provided on use of the property. Commissioner Sneed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Railroad St. S.: Commissioner Williford asked that the Board consider the need for repairs to Railroad St. S.
Letter to Postal Service: Mayor Parrott reported that she had sent a letter to the postal service requesting that the Stovall Post Office be open full time.
Railroad St. N./Insurance Claim: Mayor Parrott stated that she was in the process of getting prices for the insurance company where the Dollar General truck had run into the ditch on Railroad St. N. and broke the pipe. The Board suggested getting a quote from H. R. Ramsey.
Water/Sewer/Maintenance Building: Commissioner Lunsford stated that A & J Repairs would run a water line at the maintenance building for approximately $250.00. They will supply the pipe, and the Town will supply the meter. Commissioner Lunsford made a motion to hire A & J to do the work. Commissioner Carl Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mayor’s Term: Commissioner Hughes questioned how the Mayor’s term came to be 4 years. Mayor Parrott explained that many years ago, it was decided that elections should be staggered to prevent the possibility of a 100% turnover and a Board with all new members. All terms are 4 years, but members are not elected at the same time. The elections are split 3 and 3.
Shirts/Badges: Commissioner Lunsford suggested that Board members should have shirts and name tags to wear when attending public events. He made a motion that the Town purchase shirts and name tags. Commissioner Williford seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
North Granville Health Council Update: Commissioner Williford reported that the North Granville Health Council had signed a 5 year agreement with Rural Health.
Park Grills: Commissioner Sneed stated that 2 grills had been ordered for the park.
Adjournment: There being no further business, Commissioner Roberts made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Sneed second the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Janet C. Parrott
Clerk Sandra B. Williford