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March 2024 Minutes


The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners was held on March 12, 2024, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., Town Hall 107 Main Street, North Carolina. 

Mayor Michael S. Williford present and presiding. 


Board Members Present 

Commissioner Cromer, Commissioner Sneed, Commissioner Stovall, Commissioner Lunsford and Commissioner Roberts 


Administrator Present 

Janet C. Parrott 


Police Chief 

Craig Williams 


Clerk Present 

Ummala Rowley 


Mayor Williford called the meeting to order and began with the Pledge of Allegiance. 



Commissioner Sneed spoke an opening prayer. 


Mayor’s Update 

Mayor Williford stated that he is unable to attend to the meeting on April 9, 2024 and mentioned that Commissioner Stovall will take place in his absent as Pro Tem Mayor.  Mayor Williford reported that the Phase 1 and 2 water grants are moving forward as scheduled. 

Police Report 

Chief Williams gave an activity report for the Police Department for the month of February 13, 2024 to March 12, 2024. Activity was as follow: 


• 398 Miles of patrol 

• 6 Reports 

• 6 Citations 

• 2 Warnings 

• 0 Arrest 


 Mayor Williford mentioned to Chief Williams if the computer equipment has come in or it’s in the process. Chief Williams stated half of the computer equipment did come in and didn’t come in it should be in before April 29, 2024.  Mayor Williford and Chief Williams agreed that it should be active by April 29, 2024.  Commissioner Roberts mentioned that the people are aware that they need to slow down when passing through in Stovall. 


Water Report 

Commissioner Lunsford stated there will be no water report until the next meeting. 


Approval of Minutes 

A motion was made by Commissioner Roberts and seconded by Commissioner Cromer to approve the February 13, 2024 minutes.  Motion carried unanimously. 



Old Business 


Street Repair Update 

Commissioner Cromer mentioned that she has a quote for the street repairs from Keith Pettiford Landscaping Maintenance.  Commissioner Cromer stated that she will get back with Keith Pettiford to discuss and go over the quotes and get a new quote. Quotes as listed: 


Keith Pettiford Landscaping Maintenance 

3149 Lewis Rd 

Oxford, NC 27565 

(919) 691-3853 


Bid for City Limits Driveway and Pipe Cleaning 



Cleaning pipes from mud, trash, debris, to be loaded on dump truck and hauled off to waste area 


222 pipes to be cleaned by use of laborers, back hoe tractor and dump truck within a period of 60 days allowing for weather 


Additional bid for Taylor St. 


Road repair and asphalt 


                                                                                                                                                           TOTAL $36,170.00 


Commissioner Cromer mentioned the she received McGill Associates maps from Commissioner Stovall for the layouts on the waterline replacements.  Waterline replacements outline plan as showed:  



Mayor Williford stated that the map is not 100% accurate and mentioned that the phase 1 and 2 that the waterline will be dug up on every street.  Commissioner Cromer bought attention to the board there is an issue on Wilson Town Rd there are large trucks destroying the roads and running people off the roads.  Commissioner Cromer mentioned that should she will contact the NC DOT to see if they can go to a different route to avoid the issues. Mayor Williford stated that they are not breaking any laws and it is not up the board to make that decision.   



Update On Park Slide 

Commissioner Stovall stated that the park slide is patched up and ready to use. 


New Business 


General Fund Amendment 

The total budget revenues $344,156.00, total disbursements $344,156.00 and copies available for the General Fund Amendment.  A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Lunsford to approve the General Fund Budget Amendment.  Motion carried unanimously. 



Commissioner Sneed mentioned to the board that he has a breakdown of the cost of Holly Tree for the Stovall Park and invite the board members to come to the Stovall Park to plant the Holly Tree on Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 12 p.m. in honor of Poogie Boyd. Listed as follows: 


Oakland Holly Tree 






Franklin Brothers Nursery 

Oakland Holly Tree 7 gallon 



Lowe’s Home Improvement 





Lowe’s Home Improvement 




Action Graphics & Signs, Inc. 

6 inch wide by 5 ½ Sign 



                                                                                                                                                        TOTAL $229.71 

A motion was made by Commissioner Cromer and seconded by Commissioner Stovall to approve purchasing the tree.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Commissioner Stovall mentioned to the board about FUN DAY will be held Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.  


Public Comment 

Mayor Williford stated no one had signed up for public comment. 


Administrator Parrott stated that the planning board had made a recommendation that the property addressed as 301 Oxford Street and 303 Main Street be rezoned from RA- Residential to CC-Central Commercial at the request of Granville County and that the meeting be continued until on March 26, 2024, 6:00 pm at the Stovall Town Hall in order to hold a public hearing for this request.  A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Lunsford that the meeting be continued until March 26, 2024 in order to hold the public hearing concerning rezoning.  Motion carried unanimously. 




Michael S. Williford, Mayor                                    Date 






Ummala Rowley, Town Clerk                                 Date 


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