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March 2023 Minutes


The regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Commissioners took place at the Stovall Town Hall on March 14, 2023 at 6:00 P.M.

Mayor Michael S. Williford, present and presiding

Board members present: Doug Lunsford, Jr., Carl T. Roberts, Ricky Sneed, and Jeffrey Stovall

Janet Parrott, Administrator present

Chief Craig Williams, present

Mayor Williford called the meeting to order and began with the pledge of Allegiance.

Invocation: Commissioner Sneed prayed the opening prayer.

Mayor’s Update

Mayor Williford reported that he and Janet had attended the County Retreat and that he had presented an update on Stovall at the meeting.

Mayor Williford stated that he, Jeff Stovall and Doug Lunsford had attended the Granville County Chamber Banquet on March 6, 2023.

Mayor Williford stated that since the town had a staff shortage, the budget meeting is cancelled

until May, 2023.

Mayor Williford reported that he received several phone calls after the meeting stating that commissioners appeared to be gathering outside and perhaps discussing town business after the meeting was adjourned. He stated to avoid any questions or concerns, the commissioners should leave the building and area after the meeting.

Consent Agenda

Police Report

Chief Williams presented the activity report for February, 2023. Patrol miles-220, two felony reports, 1 death case. He stated that he had hired Zach Workman as a part-time police officer. Mr. Workman works full time with the Oxford Police Department.

Water Report

Water Commissioner Doug Lunsford presented the water report for the month of February. He stated that 885,000 gallons were billed from Oxford and the town billed out 650,370. He stated that the required flushing was 203,400 giving the town a 4% water lost.


A motion was made by Commissioners Roberts and 2nd by Commissioner Stovall that the February minutes be approved as submitted. Motion Carried unanimously.

Old Business

Resolution for water tank, water main, and improvements

Mayor Williford read the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 and the North Carolina Water infrastructure Fund have authorized the making of loans and/or grants, as applicable, to aid eligible, drinking water system owners in financing the cost of construction for eligible, drinking-water infrastructure; and

WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality has offered a Drinking Water State Reserve Grant in the amount of S1,757,360.00 for the construction of Water Tank and Water System Rehabilitation. Phase 2, hereafter referred to as the "project"; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Stovall intends to construct said Project in accordance with engineering plans and specifications that have been or will have been approved by the North Carolina Public Water Supply Section,


That the Town of Stovall does hereby accept the Drinking Water State Reserve Grant offer in the amount of S1,757,60.00; and

That the Town of Stovall does hereby give assurance to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality that they will adhere to all applicable items specified in the standard "Conditions" and "Assurances" of the Department's funding offer, awarded in the form of State Reserve Grant, DWI project No. SRP-D-0204; and

That Mayor Michael S. Williford, and successors so titled, is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information, as the appropriate State agency may request, in connection with such application or the Project; to make the Assurances as contained above; and to execute such other documents as may be required in connection with the application; and

That the Town of Stovall has complied substantially or will comply substantially with all Federal, State and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances applicable to the Project, and to Federal and State grants and loans pertaining thereto.

Adopted this the 14th day of March 2023 at the Town of Stovall.

After a discussion, Commissioner Stovall made a motion to adopt the resolution and seconded by Commissioner Lunsford. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was then made by Commissioner Stovall authorizing Mayor Williford to sign the funding agreement. Motion seconded by Commissioner Lunsford. Motion Carried Unanimously.

A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Sneed to approve the Capital project. Motion 2nd by Commissioner Ricky Sneed. Motion Carried Unanimously,

Powell Bill Spending

Commissioner Stovall stated that he had met and talked with Hebert Ramsey Construction and had obtained oral estimates on several streets in Stovall. He stated that he would like to see the Town have a ranking system for maintaining town streets. Commissioner Stovall stated that Mr. Ramsey is going to get back with him concerning written estimates. Commissioner Williford ask that Fraizer Street be considered since there is some interest in a possible senior development on the street. It was noted that there were several areas of concern.

Posting of “No trucks allowed”

Commissioner Stovall stated his concern about having “No trucks allowed” on Railroad Street. Mayor Williford stated that the town has purchased the signs and they are waiting to be placed on Railroad Street. Chief is asked to please have police monitor the streets when possible.

Letter to citizens and property owners concerning important information concerning zoning areas etc.

Commissioner Lunsford stated he felt it would be a good idea to send letters out to citizens and property owners informing them and reminding them of information that they should know in reference to the new Zoning Ordinances and other important information. A discussion was held on the fact that the town had public hearings, surveys, notifications in paper concerning the new zoning ordinances. Stovall and Lunsford will compose a letter to the citizens and bring back to April meeting.


Ordinances required by the American Recovery Plan

Several ordinances were reviewed by board members that are requirement of receiving the ARP funding. Board discussed the ordinances and Commissioner Stovall stated some concerns over minor changes that should be corrected. Stovall stated that he make the necessary changes and those changes that would not change the purpose of the ordinances. A discussion was held and the board agreed to go ahead and adopt the following ordinances with Commissioner Stovall making the minor changes as he recommended.

A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Sneed that the town adopt and approve the Civil Rights Ordinance. Motion Carried Unanimously.

A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Lunsford that the town adopt the Conflict of Interest removing the foot notes as noted. Motion Carried Unanimously.

A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall that the Expenditures be adopted and approve with minor changes as described. Motion seconded by Commissioner Lunsford. Motion Carried Unanimously.

A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall that the Record Retention Policy be adopted and approved with minor changes as described. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Sneed. Motion Carried Unanimously.

Mayor Williford asked for public comment.

A motion was then made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Lunsford go into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Motion Carried Unanimously.

A motion was made by Commissioner Roberts and seconded by Commissioner Sneed that the board go out of executive session back into regular session. Motion Carried Unanimously.

A motion was made by Commissioner Lunsford and seconded by Commissioner Stovall that the temporary worker as Clerk/Bill Collector be paid $17.00 per hour for 30 hours per week if worked. Motion Carried Unanimously.

A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and 2nd by Commissioner Roberts that administrator be paid $ 25.00 an hour for any hours that she work after hours during this time of Clerk leaving. Motion Carried Unanimously.

There being no further business, meeting was adjourned by a motion from Commissioner Stovall and

2nd by Commissioner Sneed. Motion Carried.

________________________________Michael S. Williford, Mayor

________________________________Janet C. Parrott, Acting Clerk

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