The regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Commissioners took place at the Stovall Town Hall on May 9, 2023, at 6:00 pm.
Mayor Michael S. Williford present and presiding.
Commissioners present: Doug Lunsford, Carl T. Roberts, Ricky Sneed, Jeff Stovall
Acting Clerk: Janet Parrott present
Police Chief: Craig Williams absent
Mayor Williford called the meeting to order
Mayor Williford led the group in the pledge of allegiance
Commissioner Sneed opened with a prayer
Mayor’s report:
Mayor Williford stated that there had been complaints and concerns concerning some regulations in the Zoning Ordinances. Mayor Williford reported that there will be a planning board meeting on May 25th at 6:30 and that he would be attending and advised the commissioners were invited to attend if they had concerns.
Mayor Williford stated that the 23-24 budget workshop will be on May 30, 2023 at 6:00 pm and to bring items for consideration.
Police Report: Chief Williams was absent-no report
Water Report
Commissioner Lunsford gave the water report and stated that the town billed customers 584,542 gallons and Oxford billed town for 896,000 gallons. It is noted that there was a week’s different in Oxford’s reading date and Stovall so the water loss projected could not be determined this month.
A motion was made by Commissioner Roberts and 2nd by Commissioner Stovall that the April minutes be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
Old Business
Water Grant Update
Mayor Williford reviewed the 4 projects that the town has received 100% funding from the state. Phase I and Phase II funding for water system. Two planning grants in the amount of $200,000 each. One for water and one for sewer. Total grants to be received $10 million. Town will be asking for extension on Phase I due to the fact that the engineer that had prepared the first grant retired and the engineering company is behind about four to six months. Mayor Williford explained to the board that Phase I and Phase II – would together practically replace our existing water system with new lines, meters, setters, etc. with the addition of mixer for tank and upgrade from highway 15 to tank. Mayor Williford stated that the wastewater applications for funds was not approved but that he was in search for a wastewater grant.
New Business
Water Shortage Plan
Administrator Parrott submitted a water shortage plan and stated that the plan was basically the same with the exception of the changing the contacts to Janet Parrott and Stevie Inscoe. A motion was made by Commissioner Lunsford and seconded by Commissioner Stovall that the plan be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
Employee Covid Bonus
Mayor Williford stated as he had proposed to the board earlier that some of the private sector and government had or were given bonuses to employees who performed duties during the COVID without fail and he felt Stovall employees should also receive a bonus. He proposed the following:
Administrator $2,500 Parrott
Police Chief $2,000 Williams
Police Officer $1,000 Tilliotson
Maintenance worker $1,000 Cash
A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Sneed that the bonuses be approved as stated. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Comment
Mayor Williford asked for public comment. Allen Nelson, Planning Board Chairman was recognized by Mayor Williford. Chairman Nelson stated that he had received some comments from board members and citizens concerning setbacks, lot sizes, utility buildings, etc. These issues will be addressed at the next planning board meeting on May 25, 2023.
Executive Session (Personnel)
Mayor Williford then asked for a motion for the board to go into executive session to review applicants for the position of Town Clerk/Utility Billing Worker. A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Lunsford that the board go into executive session at this time. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Lunsford to go out of executive session. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Ricky Sneed that the town hire Ummala Rowley with a yearly salary of $34,000 and when she has worked here a year from her start date she will receive a $1,000.00 bonus. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business a motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Roberts that meeting be adjourned.
______________________________________Michael S. Williford, Mayor
______________________________________Janet Parrott, Acting Clerk