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October 2023 Minutes

The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Stovall was held on October 10, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., Town Hall, 107 Main Street, Stovall, North Carolina.


Acting Mayor Carl Roberts present and presiding.

Board Members Present

Commissioner Sneed, Commissioner Stovall, Commissioner Lunsford and Commissioner Roberts



Mayor Michael S. Williford


Clerk Present

Ummala Rowley


Administrator Present

Janet C. Parrott 


Police Chief Present

Craig Williams


Acting Mayor Roberts called the meeting to order and began with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Sneed spoke an opening prayer.


Mayor’s Update

Acting Mayor Roberts stated that Administrator Parrott will help in giving the Mayor’s updates throughout the meeting.


Police Report

Chief Williams gave an activity report for the Stovall Police Department for the month of September 12, 2023 to October 10, 2023.  Activity was as follows:


·         304 Miles of patrol

·         6 Citations

·         2 Reports

·         0 Arrest


Chief Williams reminded the Board of the Crime Stopper Banquet on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church that the doors open 6 p.m., banquet starts at 6:30 p.m.  On Tuesday, October 31, 2023 Chief Williams will be handing candy out for Halloween at the Stovall Town Hall from 6 p.m.-8 p.m.


Water Report

Commissioner Doug Lunsford gave the water report and stated that Oxford billed the Town 112,900 gallons and Stovall billed the customers for 605,469 gallons.  The difference being 523,531 gallons.  Commissioner Lunsford stated that there were still a couple of small leaks not repaired as of yet and with the discrepancy in billing, it was difficult to reconcile the gallons billed by Oxford and Stovall.  


Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Lunsford to approve the September 12, 2023 minutes.  Motion carried unanimously.



Park Equipment Repair

Childforms gave the Town a quote on the new slide which is $8,185.00.  The new slide has the side panels, metal deck, entrance panel and the old slide would have to be completely removed including the side panel, support post and entrance deck as the company that previously made the equipment is out of business and does not make the equipment anymore. 


·         1 Spiral Slide Assembly 72”tall, 46”wide deck and 24”riser (blue)                                      $7,750.00

·         Shipping and handling- Outbound                                                                                                  435.00


After discussion the Board agreed to look into other alternatives of repairing the slide before considering purchasing the new equipment.

Granville County Recreation Grant

Commissioner Sneed stated that he would like for the town to purchase a Japanese Maple to be planted at the park in honor of Poogie Boyd. Cost of the tree would be around $200.00. Board agreed to bring up at a later time. No further action taken.


Planning Grants

Administrator Parrott explained the two planning grants, one for water and one for wastewater to the Board as follows:







WHEREAS, the Americans Rescue Plan (ARP) funded from the State Fiscal Recovery Fund was established in S.L. 2021-180 to assist eligible units of government with meeting their water/wastewater infrastructure needs, and


WHEREAS, the North Carolina of Environmental Quality has offered American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding in the amount of $200,000 to perform an Asset Inventory and Assessment study detailed in the submitted application, 


WHEREAS, the Town of Stovall intends to perform said project in accordance with the agreed scope of work, and AIA-D-ARP-0240




That the Town of Stovall does hereby accept the American Rescue Plan (ARP) offer of $200,000.


That the Town of Stovall does hereby give assurance to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality that any Conditions or Assurance contained in the Award Offer will be adhered to.


That Michael S. Williford, Mayor and/or Janet Parrott, Administrator successors so titled, is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the appropriate State agency may request in connection with such application or the project; to make the assurances as contained above; and to execute such other documents as may be required by the Division of Water Infrastructure.


Adopted this the 10th day of October 2023 at the Stovall Town Hall, North Carolina.





Michael S. Williford, Mayor                                   Date  





Ummala Rowley                                                       Date 




A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Sneed that the resolution be approved as submitted above. Motion carried unanimously.







WHEREAS, the Americans Rescue Plan (ARP) funded from the State Fiscal Recovery Fund was established in S.L. 2021-180 to assist eligible units of government with meeting their water/wastewater infrastructure needs, and


WHEREAS, the North Carolina of Environmental Quality has offered American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding in the amount of $200,000 to perform an Asset Inventory and Assessment study detailed in the submitted application, 


WHEREAS, the Town of Stovall intends to perform said project in accordance with the agreed scope of work, and AIA-D-ARP-0254




That the Town of Stovall does hereby accept the American Rescue Plan (ARP) offer of $200,000.


That the Town of Stovall does hereby give assurance to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality that any Conditions or Assurance contained in the Award Offer will be adhered to.


That Michael S. Williford, Mayor and/or Janet Parrott, Administrator  successors so titled, is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the appropriate State agency may request in connection with such application or the project; to make the assurances as contained above; and to execute such other documents as may be required by the Division of Water Infrastructure.


Adopted this the 10th day of October 2023 at the Stovall Town Hall, North Carolina.





Michael S. Williford, Mayor                                    Date  





Ummala Rowley                                                       Date 




A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Lunsford that the resolution approving the water grant mentioned above be approved.  Motion carried unanimously.


New Town Truck


Commissioner Lunsford stated that he have a quote from Leonard Aluminum Utility Buildings, LLC for the accessories for the new truck.


·         1 Spray in Full Size SB UR $0.00                                                                                             $0.00

·         5 Black Spray in Bed liner Cartridge $40                                                               


·         4 Bedliner Spray services $50                                                                                                $200.00

·         18 Installation Supplies $7.50                                                                                                 $135.00

·         1 69-7/8”x20”x14-1/2: Crossover                                                                                           $654.99                                                                         

Magnetic yellow light  for top of truck      $  47.00                                          

                                                                                                                                                      Total $1,289.99

A motion was made by Commissioner Lunsford and seconded by Commissioner Sneed to approve spray painting the back of truck, purchasing a storage box to be placed on back and the light for the top of truck.  Motion carried unanimously.


Powell Bill


Commissioner Stovall stated he was getting a packet together on the conditions of the streets and will present it to the board for review. Stovall stated that at the present the Powell Bill Account had $50,000 in it and that town should be receiving another $6,000.00 the end of December. He stated that we should be looking toward repairing some areas in the spring.


Public Comment


Commissioner Jeff Stovall stated that the Stovall Fire Department had a full-time person at the fire house during business hours on weekdays. Commissioner Stovall stated that it would give the Fire Department better response time and could also lower homeowner insurance premiums. He stated that this was a result of the negotiations between the Fire Departments and the County as well as the Town joining the County Fire Tax.


Recreation News


Commissioner Sneed reported that the Norther Granville Recreation Committee would not be having a Halloween event at the park but they would be having a Christmas event. Commissioner Lunsford asked what kind of profit did the Fun Day gain. Commissioner stated that he thought the profit was around $1,400 but that some expenses could not have come in yet.


A motion to adjourn, meeting was adjourned on a motion by Commissioner Lunsford and seconded by Commissioner Sneed.  Motion carried unanimously.  


Michael S. Williford, Mayor ____________________________________________


Ummala Rowley, Clerk ___________________

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