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September 2023 Minutes

The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners was held on September 12, 2023 at the Town of Stovall at 6:00 pm. 

Mayor Michael S. Williford present and presiding. 


Board Members Present 

Commissioner Sneed, Commissioner Stovall, Commissioner Lunsford and Commissioner Roberts 


Clerk Present 

Ummala Rowley 


Administrator Present 

Janet C. Parrott 


Police Chief Present 

Craig Williams 


Mayor Williford called the meeting to order and began with the Pledge of Allegiance. 



Commissioner Sneed spoke an opening prayer. 


Mayor’s Update 

Mayor Williford and Administrator Parrott had a meeting with McGill & Associates Engineering firm on Thursday, August 30, 2023 regarding the new water system.  Phase One the construction should be starting on May 2024 and Phase Two the construction will continue thereafter.  This past Saturday, September 9, 2023 the library dedicated a plaque for John Penn and Mayor Williford attended and spoke at the dedication.  Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments is having Annual Banquet & Awards Ceremony on Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 6:30pm.  If you are interested please register before Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at Carlee Farm.  The Town will pay for the Commissioners but guest/spouse are $30 out of pocket.   

Police Report 

Chief Williams gave an activity report for the Stovall Police Department for the month of  

August 8, 2023 to September 12, 2023.  Activity was as follows: 


  • 328 Miles of patrol 

  • 12 Citations 

  • 4 Reports 

  • 0 Arrest 


Water Report 

Commissioner Doug Lunsford gave the water report and stated that Oxford billed town for 977,000 gallons and Stovall billed the customers for 647,150 gallons of water.  The difference being 230,850.  There were two small meter leaks that have not been repaired.   


Approval Minute: 

A motion was made by Commissioner Lunsford and seconded by Commissioner Sneed to approve the September 12, 2023 minutes.  Motion carried unanimously. 


New Business 


Solid Waste Increase 

GFL didn’t notify the town about the increase of $1.28 in July billing.  Commissioner Stovall requested to see and review the Town’s contract regarding notice provisions about billing.  Commissioner Stovall stated he would look into the contract with GFL.  A motion was made by Commissioner Lunsford and seconded by Commissioner Stovall.  Motion carried unanimously.  


Carpet for Office 

Wilson’s Carpet gave the town an estimate to replace the floor in Town Hall where there was a leak.  The estimate was for $3,878.00.  The Town received an insurance reimbursement check for $1,628.32 with the difference being $2,249.68.  A motion was made by Commissioner Stovall and seconded by Commissioner Roberts.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Fun Day Update 

Commissioner Sneed stated that he is very thankful for the support and helping out with the Fun Day on August 26, 2023.  They had five food trucks, two ice cream trucks and 2 bouncy house for the children.    


Park Equipment Repair 

Commissioner Sneed stated that he is waiting on the estimate for a replacement slide.  Commissioner Lunsford mentioned that some of the other equipment needed to be installed at the park as well. 


Town Truck 

Administrator Parrott stated that she had made phone calls about trying to replace the truck for the past 6 to 10 months and there were no calls returned.  The truck was to be delivered no later than March.  Commissioner Stovall requested that he be able to contact the State surplus representative about the truck being delivered, permission was granted.  The board members were asked in the meantime to look for a truck and bring information back to the next meeting. 


Update on Water/Sewer Projects 

Commissioner Lunsford stated that the school and the sewer plant is having problems.  


Update as follows: 



  • Sewer pump control boxes are not switching properly.   

  • Breedlove Electric fixed it on August 30, 2023.   

  • Tank/pumps rails for both pumps to lower into discharge tank were broken.  This cause pumps not to seal and discharge properly into town sewer line.  

  • Contractor H. G. Reynolds to fix the problem at a price of $9,056.59.   

  • To fix this problem we found an additional problem that we will try to fix it during Christmas break. 


Sewer Plant   

  • Graphic chart which measures incoming flow to the plant from the Town is not working.   

  • Information from this graph has to be turned into the state weekly.   

  • Lighting strike and knocked out the control module in and outside of panel box.  

  • Bought, installed and calibrated new module at cost of $3,122.31. 

  • Turned in claim to the Farm Bureau, they paid $2,100.00 on the claim and leaving the town to pay balance of $1,022.31. 

  • Flow meter measuring flow to spray field broke and this type of meter is no longer produced. 

  • Bought and AEA installed a new module at cost of $1,820.76.  It is only good for 25 years.      




Public Comment 

Allen Nelson stated a public comment mention about the Consent Agenda on Project Ordinance for Stovall Senior Center approved 3.7 million dollars for 7,400 sq. ft. Building. Ground breaking should start early spring. 


A motion to adjourn, meeting was adjourned on a motion by Commissioner Stovall and seconded Commissioner Lunsford.  Motion carried unanimously. 






Michael S. Williford, Mayor                                       Date 





Ummala Rowley, Clerk                                                Date 







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